St. Ann's Catholic Primary School – Stocksbridge, Deepcar & Penistone


School Tour Dates

Tours for parents/carers with children due to start school in September would normally take place in the Autumn term. Please contact the school office to arrange a visit

Welcome – School Admissions

We are delighted that you are interested in applying for a place for your child. For more information please look through the website and view the ‘Top 10 Reasons for Choosing St Ann’s’, which can be found below.

Sheffield City Council manage our admissions and places should be applied for through them. We do however have a supplementary form to complete which can be found below. These arrangements and the admissions criteria are reviewed annually.

Our admissions arrangements, including oversubscription criteria, are available to download below.

Moving to our School

Do contact the school on 0114 2884281 if you wish to enquire about a place. If you would like your child to be put on a waiting list due to no current places being available, please contact the school office.


You have the right to appeal against a decision not to offer your child a place at your preferred school and to place them on a waiting list. Guidance about the appeals process can be found on the Sheffield City Council website.

Myths – FAQs

School Admission is a complex process – here are some common questions.

Q: Do I have to go to church or fill in a church form?

A: No. If we have a place then we will offer it to you. Only if we are over subscribed does being a ”regular worshiper”.

Q: The Local Authority Admissions Office say St Ann’s may not have a place.

A: Do check with us. We will tell you if we have any places or not. As we are a small school and have mixed classes for some year groups, the admissions for each year group can vary slightly.

Q: What happens if St Ann’s is full? Can I appeal for a place?

A: If we are full, we cannot offer you a place. However, you do have the right to appeal.

Any other questions? Please contact the school.


Parents/carers who would like their child to have a place in a reception class, St Ann’s Catholic Primary School or another school, MUST apply for a place. Children in the Happy Hands nursery do not necessarily take precedence over children who do not attend the nursery. There is a separate admission policy for children applying for a reception place. Attending a nursery that often feeds into a local school does not guarantee automatic transfer. Please ask at the school office for admissions advice.


There is some flexibility when a child can start full and/or part-time at school. By law children must start school in the term following their 5th birthday. However, the school cannot hold a place open for a summer-born child whose parent defers to the following September. Please ask at the school office for admissions advice.

Children normally start school full-time from September regardless of their birth date – there may be some half days at the beginning of term. However, if your child was born between January and August and you would prefer them to start part-time, please contact the school.

Useful Links

Supplementary Form for St Ann’s Catholic Primary School

Top 10 Reasons for Choosing St Ann’s Catholic Primary School

Sheffield City Council Admissions

Admissions Policy

Settling in to Reception

Uniform Policy