www.st-anns.sheffield.sch.uk 20 October 2017
We are excited to be part of the Fashion Show hosted by M & Co on Thursday
26 October (last day of school) at their Fox Valley store. Tickets are £3 each (children go free) and you will get 10% off any purchase made on the night or the following week. Refreshments on the night. Tickets available from the school office. Bring aunties and grandmas! All profits will go towards funding school trips.
Proud To Be Me. Respect.
R Hegel Noubissie being respectful towards classroom resources and pride in his work
Y1 Abigail Hanson showing respect towards her work and towards adults
Y2 Lola Machin and for showing respect towards their work and learning environment Harvey Wilkinson
Y3 Mateo Matischen showing respect for all adults and his learning
Y4 Freddie Dernie always showing respect for class rules
Y5 Megan Staniforth for showing respect towards others
Y6 Joshua Freeman for taking pride in his work
Best Attendance 9 to 13 October. Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 all with 100%.
Birthdays This Week. Trinity Crawford.
Homeworkers of the Week:Abigail Hanson and Brendan Smith. PE: Romeo Bloomer
French: Maria, Georgia, Ella-Jo, Bronwen, Logan, Freddie.
Music: Edith, Abigail, Kira, Bronwen, Eloise.
The SAFFA AGM will take place in school on Tuesday 14 November at 1.15pm, followed by a usual meeting. We are always happy to welcome new members, so please come along and join us!
Remembrance Parade in Stocksbridge on Sunday 12 November. As always, we will take part in
the parade and lay a wreath. More details will follow. Please reply below if you are able to take part with your children and family (approximate time 9.15am to 11.30am).
Remembrance Parade on Sunday 12 November: Family Name ………………………………………………
We are able to take part in the Ceremony.