St. Ann's Catholic Primary School – Stocksbridge, Deepcar & Penistone

Frequently Asked Questions

See below our answers to the most common enquiries to the school office. If the information you’re looking for isn’t on this page or elsewhere on the website, please get in touch through our Contact Us page.

What happens if my child becomes ill during the school day?

You will be informed by telephone – it is important that you keep school informed of any change of mobile number.

When should I inform school that my child is too unwell to attend school?

On the first day of illness.

When should I pay for school dinners?

Dolce our school meals provider will send you an email once your child starts school, within that email you will find information about how to pay for school meals.  All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to Universal Free School meals.  Your child maybe entitled to Free School Meals, please contact the school office for more details.

What should I do if I would like my child to have milk?

The weekly newsletter will tell you when milk needs to be ordered – usually at the beginning of each term.

What do I need to do to take my child out of school for an appointment?

If it is a medical appointment (hospital, dentist etc) you must ask at the school office for an authorisation slip on the day before the appointment. If you do not carry this authorisation slip, you may be questioned by staff from the Local Authority.

How can I get school uniform for my child?

You can now order school uniform online, please visit our School Uniform page for more information.

What should I do if our contact details change?

Please tell office staff immediately.

Can we take our holidays during term time?

The Governing Body will not authorise family holidays during term time.

How will school tell me if they are closed for example Snow Days?

You will be informed as early as possible by mobile phone text. Again, it is important that you keep school informed of any change to your mobile number.