We try to run as many after school clubs and extra-curricular activities as we can to assist in the learning and development of your child. Clubs change every half term.
A form is emailed out towards the end of each half term and parents can apply for their child to attend the club. In the event of oversubscription, places are allocated on a first come first served basis, giving priority to those children who did not attend the last club. Once places are allocated, parents/carers will receive an email to confirm whether or not their child has a place.
Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit in school for all activities. Children need a white T-Shirt (not vests) black shorts and suitable footwear, either pumps or trainers, and tracksuits etc. for outdoor activities. Also, can you ensure that you child has their water bottle in school at all times – especially for PE and the after school clubs.
All the clubs are from 3-4pm and are free of charge. Please collect your child/children from the front office at 4pm.