At St Ann’s we celebrate the Liturgical Calendar. Each week we gather together and celebrate the Good News with a Gospel assembly, this is followed by classroom daily worship via the Tenten programme.
Throughout the year pupils plan and celebrate liturgical prayers in their classrooms linked to their ‘Come & See topics’. Each class will have the opportunity during the year to celebrate and lead a whole school liturgical prayer.
Masses and Celebration of the Word prayers are celebrated for significant events and feast days. We welcome our families and communities in to school to celebrate with us. This page will be updated regularly with news and photos of our celebrations.
Blessing of the Crib
God of hope, who brought love into this world,
Be the love that dwells between us.
God of hope, who brought peace into this world,
Be the peace that dwells between us.
God of hope, who brought joy into this world,
Be the joy that dwells between us.
God of hope, the rock we stand upon,
Be the centre, the focus of our lives always,
And particularly this Advent time.
Thank you to all our families that attended the Children Mass at St Ann’s church Saturday 17th December, and we hope all the children remembered to bring their baby Jesus to be blessed by Father Desmond
At the start of this Advent session we gather together to share our Advent Prayers and Bless our Advent Wreaths. Each day of Advent we light our Advent Wreath and learn about Jesus’ ancestry through the Jesse Tree.
Lord God, your Church joyfully awaits the coming of its Savior, who enlightens our hearts and dispels the darkness of ignorance and sin. Pour forth your blessings upon us as we light the candles of this wreath; may their light reflect the splendor of Christ, who is Lord, for ever and ever. Amen.
Mass: Solemnity of All Saints
Today we celebrate the lives of the saints, those men and women whose goodness and devotion to God have inspired the world. Throughout history the saints have allowed God’s love to shine through them, and their lives are examples for us to aspire to and follow.
Blessing of the New Academic Year
Today we welcomed Father Desmond to celebrate the new academic year.
Leaver’s Mass
“When Pentecost day came round, the apostles and Mary met together to pray. Suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a violent wind which filled the entire house where they were sitting. There appeared to them tongues of fire, which separated and came to rest on the head of each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit…” Acts 2: 1-4 |
Today we gathered together to celebrate the Good News of the gift of the Holy Spirit. Year 5/6 led us in our Liturgical Prayer before we took to the streets of Stocksbridge to proudly proclaim and spread the Good News to our brothers and sisters in our community. |
We are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song!
The Good Shepherd Appeal. This year we have been thinking about Good Relationships.
What does a good relationship looks like with friends, family & Jesus?
Year 2 attended the Good Shepherd Service at St Marie’s Cathedral, whilst the rest of the classes watched the live stream in school.
Holy Week 2023 – We would like to invite our community into school to join us in commemorating Holy Week everyday this week for class Liturgical Prayers at 9am on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and 2pm on Thursday.
Reception Class Monday: Palm Sunday, The Triumphal Entrance
Year 1 and Year 2 Tuesday: Maundy Thursday. The Last Supper
Year 3 and Year 4 Wednesday: Maundy Thursday, The Garden of Gethsemane
Year 5 and Year 6 Thursday: The Stations of the Cross
Please find below a link to St Marie’s Cathedral Stations of the Cross: a Lenten Devotion
Jesus Welcomes Everyone! Tuesday (21st March) of the 4th week of Lent. Today we gathered together with our community and the Parish of St Ann’s to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
All who are thirsty, come to the waters, says the Lord. Though you have no money, come and drink with joy.
Friday 17th March 2023 – Today we had a special visitor in school… Father Dominic brought Jesus to our Proud to be Me assembly!
We adored Jesus Christ in the consecrated Host exposed on the altar. We sang, cheered and played our instruments in jubilation!
Father Dominic blessed us with the Sacred Host, and he offered the Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation) to our community.
Year 5 / 6 Liturgical Prayer 08/03/23
Today we gathered to celebrate Years 5/6 learning on the Eucharist: Relating
We will always hold in our hearts these memories passed on to us by your friends and try to pass them on to those who follow us. Amen
Distribution of the Ashes Liturgical Prayer
Today we welcomed our local community and Father Dominic to school for the start of Lent and the Distribution of the Ashes.
Today we gather, with Christians across the world, to mark the beginning of the holy season of Lent. Today is Ash Wednesday. God calls us to repentance, to bring our sins and burdens before him and ask his healing and forgiveness. What have you to bring? What do you ask forgiveness for? What in you needs the healing of Jesus Christ? In stillness, we come into the presence of the God who is always forgiving, always merciful, always compassionate, always loving.
We are currently in Ordinary Time.
Wednesday 1st February:
Year 3/4 Liturgical Prayer “Local Church”
Wednesday 25th January: Reception Liturgical Prayer “Local Church”
Epiphany, January 6th
Today (Monday 9th January 2023) we gathered together to celebrate the Feast of Epiphany.
All children created their own crowns to wear while listening to the Year 5/6 liturgical prayer.
Some children in KS1 created their artwork based on Matthew 2:2.
Blessing of the Christmas Crib
Before we broke up for the Christmas holidays we gathered together with our community and Deacon Derek for the Blessing of the Crib.
God of hope, who brought love into this world. Be the love that dwells between us. God of hope, who brought peace into this world. Be the peace that dwells between us. God of hope, who brought joy into this world. Be the joy that dwells between us. God of hope, the rock we stand upon. Be the centre, the focus of our lives always, and particularly this Advent time.
Jesse Tree
During Advent, each class will be taking part in the Jesse Tree activity. We encourage you to continue this at home by following the link ( – You can find the parent log in details on your class newsletter or ask a member of staff). Remember you can share your home learning and worship with school via Seesaw.
A Jesse Tree is a bit like an Advent calendar, but using a daily Bible story about someone in Jesus’ family tree to help us prepare spiritually as we move towards Christmas. It’s called a Jesse Tree, because Jesus is a descendant of King David, son of Jesse. The prophet Isaiah said,
A shoot will grow from the stock of Jesse. Isaiah 11: 1
Through our Baptism, we are part of Jesus’s family, so this is our family tree too! Every Bible story in the Jesse Tree has a symbol to go with it to help people focus as they learn about Jesus’ ancestors, while listening to the stories. Each day these symbols are hung on a tree – a Jesse Tree. The tree progressively being decorated throughout Advent mirrors the meaning behind the collection of stories told: that God was preparing the world to meet Jesus for a long, long time!
Blessing of the Advent Wreath
Today Deacon Derek joined St Ann’s community to celebrate the start of Advent. Deacon Derek Blessed our Advent wreaths and we decorated our Christmas tree with our pupil prayers.
Year 5 / 6 : Armistice Day Liturgical Prayer.
We invite you to join us on Sunday 13th November to lay St Ann’s poppy wreath at Stocksbridge clock tower.
Harvest Festival Liturgical Prayer
Thank you to all the families that donated food to the Archer Project and to all the wonderful children that performed their Harvest Festival songs.
Homes : Liturgical Prayer
Year 3/4 wondered what makes a good home….
St. Paul talked about what we should do in order to create a happy family in our communities. We listen carefully to what he said.
Dear Friends, We all have been given lovely gifts. When you give, give with a loving heart. If you have a job to do, do it really well. If you are helping someone, do it happily. Be real in your love for each other. Do not just pretend to be good. Love and care for each other as good brothers and sisters. Be whole-hearted and enthusiastic in all you do. Be joyful. When things get hard, keep on going. Pray regularly. Share what you have with people in need. Always make people feel welcome. Romans 12: 8-11
The Travelling Rosary
The month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary and the month of May is when Catholics show their devotion to Our Lady, Jesus’ blessed mother.
During these times we join others by Praying the Holy Rosary each day. We would like to invite families to join in with our prayers by using this ‘Travelling Rosary’. In this book children can draw or write a reflection about their experience of praying the Holy Rosary at home.
We would like to invite our families and parish community to join us at 10:00 today (29th June 2022) to celebrate the Feast of St Peter and St Paul.
You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church.
On the 18th May Year 2 attended the Good Shepherd Appeal Thanksgiving Service at St Marie’s Cathedral. They had lots of fun and enjoyed singing and praying with the other Catholic schools. What a wonderful day they had! The service was live streamed allowing the rest of St Ann’s to participate from school. Some children even spotted Year 2 singing on the live feed!
St Ann’s children (and families!) have worked hard over the Easter break to return to school with their very own Easter Bonnets. It was wonderful to see everyone wearing their colourful and bright bonnets with pride and joy! Easter bonnets are fancy hats, they represent the tradition of wearing new clothes at Easter, in harmony with the renewal of the year and the promise of spiritual renewal and redemption.