St. Ann's Catholic Primary School – Stocksbridge, Deepcar & Penistone
St Ann’s provides primary education for children from the communities of Deepcar, Stocksbridge and Penistone; mainly but not exclusively within the parishes of St Ann’s and St Mary’s.
Our School Prayers
9th November 2022 by S Ramsden
Prayer is central at St Ann’s.
We pray in celebration and sorrow.
We pray for help, guidance and support
We pray for strength and forgiveness.
And we pray to be closer to God.
We start each day with our morning prayer.
Before sharing a meal with our school family we say Grace.
At the end of the day we say our home time prayer together.
With the news of his Holiness Pope Francis being admitted to the hospital, we gathered today to pray for his health.
This week we celebrated Mass, Jesus Welcomes Everyone, with our community. For the Mass, children in Year 3 & 4 were chosen to write the Prayers of the Faithful.
During the month of October and May we gather and pray the Holy Rosary together. Look out for the travelling Rosary which will be going home each day during this special time. Monday Thank you, God, for this beautiful world you have given us. The day and the night, the sky with its sun, moon and stars, the earth with its trees and plants, the waters with its fish. Thank you for the animals of every kind and thank you for all the people you have given us love.
Tuesday Dear God, help us to say we are sorry when we are wrong. Help us to say, “That’s okay,” when someone hurts us. Help us to say, “I still like you,” when someone is mean to us. All of this is hard to do, but with your help we will try.
Wednesday Please God, help us to be strong to do what you ask. Help us to make Christ welcome when he comes this Christmas.
Thursday Help us to be kind to others and to treat them as we would want them to treat us. Keep us from the feelings inside us at times to do wrong and to hurt others. Help us not to speak badly about others.
Friday What can we give you, God? We give you what we think is most important, ourselves, our hearts and our minds.Monday God, thank you for our mother and father, our sisters and brothers. Thank you for our friends. We will try harder this week to help one another to be happy.
Tuesday God, help me when I feel angry, mean and sad. Help me when I feel like I hate someone or something.
Wednesday Lord, help me to live my day like you would want me to. Help me to help my mum and dad, like you helped Mary and Joseph. Help me to be like you, loving and caring.
Thursday You are always with me when I am scared and in trouble. Thank you for being my friend.
Friday This week has been filled with hope, our hope that the spirit of Christmas will fill our hearts and stay with us all year,Monday Dear Jesus, help us to know you better, love you more and follow your example. When we look at the lights of the Christmas tree, help us to remember that you are the true light of the world.
Tuesday Help us to remember that it is because of you we have this Christmas celebration and that you are always with us and we can trust in you to take care of us.
Wednesday Thank you, Lord, for the joy we feel because you are with us. May we share this joy with the people we meet.
Thursday We thank you for the gifts you give us at Christmas, the gifts you can’t put in a box with a ribbon on it. We thank you for the gift of Christ.
Friday In this week of Advent we have learned there are many things we can give people and get from people, things that don’t come in boxes with bows on them.Monday Dear God, Christmas is almost here. Help us to give you one whole week without fighting, arguing or being mean. Teach us to think first of giving ourselves to you before we think of getting presents. Remind us that Jesus will come to us this Christmas and fill us with love that we can share with each other all year long.
Tuesday God the Father, we thank you for Jesus. By believing in him and loving him, Christmas comes every day. Help us to remember this Christmas all year long, by giving the presents of life; love, patience, kindness and understanding.
Wednesday Lord, in this fourth and last week of our Christmas preparation, we have given ourselves to you and will try to go on giving ourselves, because it is better to give than to receive. We accept your love for us and know that it will last forever. Your love is so much better than any present we could receive, because it will never break or wear out but will go on and on. We have come a long way from the very first day of Advent. We now have four candles shining very brightly, just like our love for you is shining very brightly.