St. Ann's Catholic Primary School – Stocksbridge, Deepcar & Penistone
St Ann’s provides primary education for children from the communities of Deepcar, Stocksbridge and Penistone; mainly but not exclusively within the parishes of St Ann’s and St Mary’s.
Children learn best when they are health, safe and secure, when their individual needs are met, and when they have positive relationships with the adults caring for them. The school has a number of policies to keep children safe and well. For more information please click here to read our policy in our policies section.
In the interests of health and safety, parents, carers and volunteers must:
Ensure that children cannot access any medication at any time.
Not administer first aid, unless their qualifications have been checked by the school office, and school policies understood. (There could be exceptions in emergency life-saving situations).
Follow the school’s policies on sickness, accidents and medicines in school.
Provide the school with any information about any dietary requirements, preferences, food allergies that their child has, and any special health requirements.
Follow the school’s behaviour policy and related policies when helping in school.
Not bring dogs on to the school premises without prior consent.
Supervise their child at home time.
Report any health and safety concerns, accidents, hazards and faulty equipment to a member of staff or the school office.
Not use cameras (including camera phones) without consent from a member of staff. Mobile phones should be switched off or silenced in school.
St Ann’s Catholic Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all of our children and families and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment
We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy which can be downloaded from our policies page here
Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with his/her parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare.
We actively support the Government’s Prevent Agenda to counter radicalism and extremism as well as British Values.
We are proud to be an ‘Operation Encompass‘ school; a police-led initiative to support children who may have witnessed or been affected by domestic abuse.
SSCB provide easily accessible and up-to-date safeguarding information for professionals, and for children, young people, families and members of the public.
We all have a statutory duty to “safeguard and promote the welfare of children”.
Any allegation or disclosure involving someone who works with children in a paid or voluntary capacity must be reported directly to the Head, unless it involves the Head and then it should be reported directly to the Chair of the Governing Body.
The people you should talk to at this setting are:
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is: Sarah Eady (Headteacher) Their office is located next to the school office Their telephone number is: 0114 288 4281
Our Designated Safeguarding Deputy (DSD) is: Claire Brotherton Their classroom is located in Classroom 1 – Rec/Y1 Their telephone number is 0114 288 4281
Our Chair of Governors & safeguarding Governor is: Isabella Gillespie They can be contacted via the school office or on email:
If you need any help or have any safeguarding concerns, please contact Miss Eady, our Designated Safeguarding Lead, at school
The NSPCC come into school to share assemblies and workshops with the children on how to keep themselves safe. This is clearly a vitally important issue for us as schools and of course parents.
There are a number of forms and permission slips that we will ask you to complete. Please assist us by returning them promptly. If you have any questions about these forms or need help in filling them in – please ask.
Pupil Information Form
This form gives us important information such as emergency contact details and medical information. Please complete all sections and let us know if any details change. This form will have to be completed again for nursery children if they are admitted to the reception class for which there is a separate admissions process. This form includes permission for:
Photographs and other images – during the course of everyday activities, opportunities may arise for photographs (film and digital) and videos to be taken of your child by school staff and/or pupils. These may be stored and displayed in the school. The school may put photographs and videos of your child on the school website and/or in local media.
Internet – all classrooms in the school have access to the internet, including internal email. The school internet service provider operates a filtering system which restricts access to inappropriate materials and, while the school ensures suitable safeguards are in place to protect them, pupils themselves must also play their part. We have a list of Rules for Responsible Internet Use (attached) which we ask pupils to agree to and abide by. The rules are on display in each class and are discussed with pupils. Anyone deliberately breaking the rules will have their access to the internet within school either denied or, at the very least, severely restricted.
Consent for school trips and other offsite activities – the trips and activities covered by this consent include all visits which take place during term time, adventure activities and offsite sporting fixtures outside the school day. The school will send you information about each trip or activity before it takes place.
First aid or emergency medical treatment – consent for any first aid or emergency medical treatment during the course of educational visits or activities.
Regular Travelling Home Permission Arrangements(slips are available from the school office)
Some (older) Y5 and Y6 children walk home on their own and we request written confirmation from parents/carers that you have given your child permission to do this.
If your child is picked up regularly by another person you can complete the “Permission to go home with” slip – this arrangement will be in place on an ongoing basis until further written notice is received from you.
Different arrangements for collecting your child
You must always let us know if someone else is taking your child home. Please call the school office or complete one of the slips in the school foyer. We are unable to release your child to another person without your permission.
School Health Programme
We are required to ask your permission for any routine health checks undertaken in school. We will seek further permission from you for any additional checks that may be required.